Your Happiness is in Your Hands

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About this book

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world including developing countries. With globalization, stress is no more only the issue of developed societies or of the population living in urban areas.

The current world order and the unequal redistribution of resources of the communities to cater for the needs of the local populations is a great concern and factor of stress as more and more people on the Planet Earth are living below the poverty line with insufficient food, medical care and inadequate housing which is a great source of stress for their lives that can translate into serious physical and mental health conditions.

Their daily struggles in surmounting poverty and injustice to better their lives bring onto them and their families untold amounts of stress. Many persons are therefore forced to work longer hours, to walk longer distances to fetch water or food, to sleep on the streets, to declare bankruptcy, to indulge in addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drug abuse and violence with the false hope that these will resolve their deplorable conditions.

Taking into consideration these multiple factors that can lead to stress in our modern world, there is little we can do to address some of the factors that are completely out of our control. However, we can do a great deal by taking steps to reduce or completely avoid stress by addressing those factors that are under our control.

Once you learn and practice the simple techniques in this book, you will discover those factors that you already possess as a human being but do not use them because of lack of knowledge. Then, you will quickly realize that your happiness is in your hands as you will start using your inner strength in addressing your daily life problems, to become successful and to live a peaceful and happy life free of stress.

Available in English and French

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About the author

Walter Nwanja
His specialties include content development, writing, stress management and well-being. Expert in Mission with several years of experience working with the United Nations as a Technical Adviser in several field missions around the world, assisting and providing security and relief to the needy, traumatized, and stressed population. Served as an Instructor at the United Nations Integrated Mission Training Center in Port au Prince, Haiti. Previously worked as Professor at the Buea University College of Technology, thereafter as a visiting Professor ... Read more >>